SRM CGPA Calculator: A Comprehensive Guide

Calculating the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is a critical aspect of a student’s academic journey, particularly in institutions like SRM University. Understanding how this system works can help students keep track of their academic performance, set realistic goals, and improve their study habits. This guide will explain the SRM CGPA calculator, its significance, and how students can effectively use it SRM CGPA Calculator.

What is a CGPA?

Cumulative Grade Point Average, or CGPA, is a metric that assesses a student’s overall academic performance. It is an average of grade points obtained in all subjects over a specified period, typically a semester or an academic year. SRM University calculates CGPA on a 10-point scale, offering a comprehensive reflection of a student’s academic achievements SRM CGPA Calculator.

At SRM University, a CGPA holds significant importance.

At SRM University, a CGPA is a crucial component of academic assessment. It serves several important functions:

  1. Academic Progress: A CGPA reflects a student’s consistent performance over multiple semesters, helping students and faculty gauge academic progress.
  2. Scholarships and Awards: A high CGPA can make students eligible for scholarships, academic awards, and other recognitions.
  3. Higher Education: For students aiming to pursue further studies, a high CGPA is often a prerequisite for admission into reputed institutions.
  4. Employment Opportunities: During the recruitment process, many employers consider CGPA, which is a significant factor in job placements.

At SRM, how is the CGPA calculated?

To understand the SRM CGPA calculator, it is essential to know the formula and the components involved. We use the following fundamental formula to calculate the CGPA:

CGPA=∑(C×G)∑C\text{CGPA} = \frac{\sum(\text{C} \times \text{G})} {\sum \text{C}} CGPA=∑C∑(C×G) ​


  • C denotes the credit for each course.
  • G\text{G}G is the grade point obtained in each course.

Steps to Calculate the CGPA

  1. Assign Grade Points: We convert each course grade to a grade point on a 10-point scale. For instance, an ‘A+’ might correspond to 10, an ‘A’ to 9, and so on.
  2. Credits: Multiply the grade point by the number of credits for each course.
  3. Sum Up: To get the total grade points, add all courses’ results.
  4. Divide by Total Credits: Divide the total grade points by the sum of credits for all courses.

Example Calculation

Suppose a student has taken four courses in a semester with the following grades and credits:

CourseGradeGrade Point (G)Credits (C)
Course 1A94
Course 2B+83
Course 3A+103
Course 4B72

Total grade points = (9 * 4) + (8 * 3) + (10 * 3) + (7 * 2) = 36 + 24 + 30 + 14 = 104.

Total credits: 4 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 12.

CGPA = 104 / 12 = 8.67

The SRM CGPA Calculator is used.

SRM University provides an online CGPA calculator to simplify this process for students. Here’s how to effectively use it:

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Access the Calculator: Visit the official SRM University website and navigate to the CGPA calculator tool.
  2. Input Grades: Please enter the grades received for each course.
  3. Enter Credits: Input the corresponding credit hours for each course.
  4. Calculate: To obtain the CGPA, click on the ‘Calculate’ button.

Benefits of Using the Online Calculator

  • Accuracy reduces the risk of manual calculation errors.
  • Time-saving: The CGPA can be computed quickly, saving significant time.
  • Regular Tracking: Allows students to frequently check and monitor their academic performance.

Tips for Improving Your CGPA

Improving your CGPA requires strategic planning and consistent effort. Here are some tips to help you boost your academic performance:

Managing time

Effective time management is crucial. Allocate sufficient time for studying, assignments, and revision. Use planners or digital apps to organize your schedule.

Regular attendance

Attend all classes regularly. Active participation and understanding of the subject matter significantly impact your grades.

Seek help.

If you find certain subjects challenging, do not hesitate to seek help. Utilize resources like tutoring centers, study groups, and faculty office hours.

Study smartly.

Implement efficient study techniques such as summarizing notes, practicing past papers, and using mnemonic devices.

Stay healthy.

Maintain a balanced lifestyle. Ensure adequate sleep, healthy eating, and regular exercise to keep your mind and body in optimal condition for studying.

Common mistakes to avoid

While striving to improve your CGPA, avoid these common pitfalls:

  • Procrastination: Delaying study sessions can lead to last-minute cramming, which is ineffective.
  • Ignoring Weak Subjects: Focus equally on all subjects, including the ones you find difficult.
  • Overloading: Taking too many courses at once can be overwhelming. Manage your course load wisely.
  • Neglecting Assignments: Regularly completing and submitting assignments can significantly boost your overall grades.


Understanding and effectively using the SRM CGPA calculator is essential for tracking and improving academic performance. By following the steps outlined in this guide, students can accurately calculate their CGPA, set realistic goals, and take proactive measures to enhance their grades. Remember, consistent effort, smart study techniques, and a balanced lifestyle are key to achieving academic success at SRM University SRM CGPA Calculator.

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